
Gratitude: My Garlic Press

'Tis the season to be grateful for things large and small.

So I've decided over the next couple of weeks I'll share (sporadically, of course), some of the random things I am grateful for. Some are rather inconsequential, but—in my world at least—fun. Others are much more important and much less tangible.

Today I am grateful for this swell garlic press. Guess which category this falls into?

It was a birthday gift from one of my lovely friends, who heard me lamenting the fact I didn't have one all the way back in June ... and managed to discover I still didn't have one by October and buy this beauty for me.

Life is so much better when your garlic is ready to go in mere seconds, as opposed to the minutes it used to take this perfectionist to dice garlic sans press.

Most kitchen gadgets are overrated and unnecessary (and often forgotten). But I'm pretty sure this garlic press will be an often-used friend for many years.

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