
Free Time

It's amazing how finishing up master's classes and thesis writing has opened up time in my schedule. Despite the fact I still have Elks work and freelance work and my full-time job to keep me busy, I finally have time to do some of the things I've been yearning to do (as well as a few things I just plain need to do).

This weekend, that included:

  • Getting our carpets cleaned for the first time ever. With this hairy beast living in our house for the past couple of years, it was much overdue.

  • Giving the house a good, thorough cleaning.

  • Mowing and weeding and other yardwork that was strangely enjoyable because the weather this weekend was so darn nice.

  • Long walks and jogs with Butter in the park.

  • A bit more canning, which I'll share with you soon.

  • A leisurely visit to the farmer's market and a few stops in my favorite antique and secondhand shops in L-Town, which yielded some fab finds I'll also share soon.

  • Laundry, of course.

  • Catching up with good friends, in person and on the phone.

  • Seeing Eat, Pray, Love and eating tasty Mexican food.

  • Making homemade pizza for dinner.

  • Relaxing on the back patio with my morning coffee and a book.

  • Relaxing on the couch with a book.

  • Relaxing in bed with a book.

Ahhh. The (almost) leisurely life.

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