

Fennel is something I've had before in meals but haven't ever really cooked with. So at first, when I brought home a couple of fennel bulbs from my weekly CSA pickup, I was a bit puzzled as to what to do.

Fortunately, our CSA cookbook included a super easy suggestion: Roast slices of the fennel with potatoes, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

Uh, OK. I can handle that.

The fennel added a nice touch of flavor—something a bit different from the usual roasted potatoes. I'd make it again.

(Because I so often say a recipe is worth having again or end my posts with some really eloquent comment like "yummy," you may be wondering if I ever don't like what I make, The answer is a resounding yes. I just don't post the failures too often. Maybe it's because I don't have time. Or maybe it's because I know they're failures before I even eat them, so I don't even bother snapping photos. Trust me, there are lots of duds or so-so recipes. Just ask Conservative Hubby.)

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