
White Chicken Chili

I've realized on a number occasions lately that despite all the random recipes (both successes and failures) I share here, I have missed posting about some of my most favorite meals—those old-standbys I come back to when the file folders full of new recipes just aren't inspiring me (or when Conservative Boy tires of playing guinea pig).

One such recipe is white chicken chili.

This recipe came to me by way of my adopted family.

No, I'm not really adopted. But when I was at Drake, I signed up for an adopt-a-student program at the Catholic church on campus. A wonderful family—a mom, a dad, and three little kids—"adopted" me. I'd spend time with them most weekends, baking and cooking with Adopted Mom, hanging out with Adopted Kids (which I loved, as interaction with children is usually rather limited on a college campus), watching sports and talking books with Adopted Dad.

One Sunday, Adopted Mom made white chicken chili. And, as she often did, she shared the recipe with me. It's a good thing too, because on one of his visits to Adopted Family's house with me, Conservative Boy tried the chili and loved it.

It's a tasty treat I haven't been able to make in a while because we haven't had a Crockpot, and although I suppose I could simmer it for hours on the stove, a slow-cooker is much more energy-efficient.

So, lo and behold, when a lovely new crockpot arrived in the mail the other day from some generous family friends, I decided to fire it up (figuratively, of course; there's no fire involved with this form of slow-cooking) and make the chili, because it's one of C.B.'s faves.

As I say with most recipes I make, this one is pretty easy. (I make no illusions that I'm a gourmet cook. I'm not good enough with a sharp knife or creative enough for that nonsense.)

First you chop a large onion, mince two cloves of garlic (or three ... or four ... garlic is very good for you), and drain the liquid from two small cans of chopped green chilis.

Add the onion, garlic, and chilis to the slow cooker, along with two cans of chicken broth.

Next, add two teaspoons of ground cumin, one teaspoon crumbled leaf oregano, and three to four dashes of Tabasco (or half a bottle, if you want to spice it up enough for Conservative Boy's taste and make his tomorrow miserable).

Next, tear off all the lovely tasty meat from a rotisserie chicken and add it to the pot. (Or you could use two to three cups of cooked, boneless, skinless chicken breasts. Or if you don't do meat, just use vegetable broth and roll extra of the beautiful bean footage I'm about to bring you.)

Finish by pouring in one 48-ounce jar of Great Northern white beans (including the liquid).

Heat for several hours, stirring occasionally just so you can get a good whiff.

Serve with shredded cheddar cheese, sour cream, and baked tortilla chips.

(And oyster crackers, if Conservative Boy is dining with you. Don't ask me why. Hubby just likes to be difficult.)

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