
New Artwork

I'd like to begin this post by saying that I love my friends. I mean, I really love them.

Not only are they incredibly talented and intelligent and entertaining and sweet and ... well, you get the idea ... but they also know me so darn well, even when we go months without seeing one another.

Case in point: this Christmas/wedding season. A number of packages arrived at our front door from these dear friends, and all of them have contained the most perfect gifts. They're so thoughtful.

And did I mention they know me really well?

Case in point: the new artwork now gracing our walls.

One lovely friend and her handsome hubby sent me this.

It's hanging on one of the sunny yellow walls in my office and makes me happy every time I look at it. For one thing, it's pretty darn cool (although you may not be able to tell that from the photo; please see disclaimer below).

For another, it was painted by an artist right here in L-Town, Kit Sunderland.

Yep, lovely friend #1 knows how much I appreciate buying local. And contemporary art. And nailed it on both counts.

Then there's this.

Lovely friend #2 also knows how much I like original art—and personalized gifts. As you can see, this one also serves a very important function of reminding Conservative Boy when we got married. Just in case he forgets. Because I didn't engrave our wedding date inside his ring or anything thoughtful like that.

(It's hanging in the kitchen, so I can see and enjoy it while cooking and C.B. can see it as a reminder on his way to the fridge or garage or Man Cave.)

This piece was created by Leah Fitts of Studio Zen. I checked out her other work at her Etsy shop (the place for handmade anything, by the way), and it's all pretty cool. So I suggest you go see for yourself.

Then there's lovely friend #3. She sent me this treasure all the way from Mexico. It's a mirror surrounded by Mexican tile, and isn't it just the coolest? I hate to hog all the art in my office, but I think this would look awfully good on my yellow walls. I'm still contemplating the best spot for it though.

Of course, if you wanted the longest post in the world I could go on and on about more friends. But I'll give you a break for today. And thanks, lovelies. You're the best.

(I apologize for the photos—the flash doesn't do it with framed artwork, and I'm a bit wobbly for taking no-flash photos at a distance. Still, my point-and-shoot gives me its all, even when it's covered in bread dough, and for this I thank it.)

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