As I mentioned yesterday, about halfway through My Dad and Conservative Hubby's surfing adventure, My Dad decided to take a break.
And, because surfing instructor Peter had a van full of different-size surfboards and wetsuits, My Sister decided she'd take My Dad's place.
You see, she does a bit of surfing herself now that she lives so close to the beach. But because things were getting going so early and the water would be so darn cold, she decided she'd sit things out and keep My Mom and I company.
Only the water looked too inviting, so she had to give in to temptation.
Right away, she showed us how things are done.
Doesn't she make it look easy?
Then, while Conservative Hubby and My Sister waited for the perfect wave, I noticed there was something moving toward them in the water.
A fin! Ack! SHARK!
Only no, it was a dolphin. Two, actually. (They really are there in the photo above. You just have to use your imagination because I didn't have a long enough lens.)
So Conservative Hubby and My Sister hung out on their boards and watched the pair of dolphins swim past, then returned to surfing.
Meanwhile, on the beach, I snapped a photo of these fellows fishing. Apparently the older one is there quite often. My Sister said he fishes for little sharks, and often catches them.
At one point, we thought he had a big catch, but then the line snapped. I like to think he might have reeled in a shark had the line held, but then again since two of the most important people in my life were in the water at the same time, I'm going to go ahead and be thankful we didn't see any sharks.
There's not much more to say about the surfing adventure, so I leave you with one last photo of Conservative Hubby hanging ten while My Sister looks on.
I don't know if this is the proper use of "hanging ten," but it sounds really hip, like I'm all down with the surfing lingo.
So this chicken who didn't even get in the water is going to go ahead and use it, like she knows what she's talking about.
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