
Canning: Roasted Tomato-Garlic Salsa

I couldn't help it. I had to have it.

When I read about the Williams-Sonoma book The Art of Preserving, there was only one thing to do: Order a used copy ASAP.

And I'm so glad I did.

Even if you don't preserve food, you can't help but enjoy the lovely photography that fills the book. And if you do preserve food? It's a goldmine—a combination of classic jams and jellies and the like, along with plenty of sweet and savory recipes beyond the canning norm. And there are even recipes for dishes—from crepes with meyer lemon-ginger marmalade to chicken-lime soup with pickled jalapenos—for you to try in the kitchen.

Last week, I stuck with a tried-and-true canning technique, however, and made the Roasted Tomato-Garlic Salsa from the book.

My instinct after a few bites of the leftovers is that it's good. Nice flavor.

Conservative Hubby, of course, doesn't think it's flavorful enough. But he says that about everything, which leads me to believe his taste buds are not the most discerning characters.

Because it's a holiday, and I'm feeling a bit lazy, I was dreading typing up the entire recipe for you. But lucky you (and me), I came across a news article that features it. So here you go. Have at it.

And happy Labor Day!

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