
Strawberry Pie Success

Last summer the Conservative Family strawberry pie recipe—one that has been passed down through at least four generations—was one of my epic cooking failures.

It was strawberry soup with a side of crust.

But after I snagged some lovely strawberries at Saturday's farmer's market, I decided it was time to redeem myself.

And I did.

I know you probably didn't believe me last year when I blamed the failure on the cornstarch, but it really was the culprit. I swear.

Armed with a new container of cornstarch, I achieved strawberry pie success.

(Although I have to admit, I still had a blender explosion. When am I going to learn that hot liquids and blenders do not mix?)

Still, the end result was a success.

Yesss. And yummm.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad your cornstarch is working. This may be one of my favorite pies. It looks beautiful.
