
Catching Crazies

The other day I drove past the covered wagon in L-Town and decided to stop for a photo. Only this photo wasn't just of Abe reading atop the wagon.

Because there were a couple of crazies standing in front of the wagon this time. Only they weren't really standing. They were doing this.

I have no idea who they are. Really. I've never seen them before in my life.

But I am impressed with My Mo ... er ... the woman on the right. She has quite a vertical.

(If you click on the image, you'll see a much larger version. Just in case you can help me identify who these random women are. Because, like I said, I have no clue who they are.)


  1. Jumping for pics is fun! http://jumpinginartmuseums.blogspot.com/2009/04/alexander-calder-in-seattle-jumping.html

  2. I love it! I might have to submit this pic to them. Is a giant Abe on a wagon considered "art"?
