
Adventures in Illinois

Remember when I mentioned that other website where I spend so much of my time? It's called Illinois Adventures, and I post a couple of new stories each week about great places and events in Central Illinois.

This isn't a shameless pitch for the website. But I realized the other day that because I post all of those Illinois adventures over at illinois-adventures.com, I don't fill in those of you dear readers who just hang out with me on this site on what I've been trying around Central Illinois. And trust me, I've been trying plenty of things. So from time to time, I'll share the highlights here with you, just in case you don't religiously read every story I post at Illinois Adventures.

Let's see. Where to begin?

I've been exploring lots of Lincoln sites around the state, including:

The watermelon statue right here in L-Town (Lincoln christened the town with a watermelon near where the statue now stands)

Postville Courthouse, where Lincoln did his lawyering (it's also in L-Town)

And the Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum in Springfield (it's terrific).

In addition, I've been eating a lot, including world-famous Cozy Dogs at the Cozy Dog Drive-In in Springfield,

plus steak and sweet potato fries at Ted's Garage in Clinton, to-die-for pizza (and more) in Mason City, and Italian at family-owned Guzzardo's here in L-Town.

I even convinced Conservative Boy to tag along with me to the Illinois Shakespeare Festival in Bloomington, where we picnicked on the lawn outside this lovely mansion and listened to Madrigal singers in period costume.

C.B. even serenaded me with madrigal versions of "Back that A** Up" and Warren G's "Regulate" before we went into the theater and watched an impressive performance of Richard III under the stars. Isn't he romantic?

There's been a bit of kitsch too, from the giant Paul Bunyan statue nearby in Atlanta

to the world's largest covered wagon here in L-Town.

(Now you really want to come visit me, don't you?)

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