
Conveying the Plight of the Honey Bee

One morning a couple of days ago, I was busy watering my plants. That's what I do. Often. I water my plants. And while I was watering my little vegetable garden on this fine morning, I noticed to bees hard at work in one of the big flowers on the zucchini plant.

Aren't they busy?

The bees continue to work away on the flower as I watered around them, oblivious to everything but the task at hand.

And that got me thinking about honey bees. Because, you see, honey bees are in trouble. They're vanishing, in fact, because of Colony Collapse Disorder. Scientists have yet to determine what exactly causes it, but it looks like some combination of factors including chemicals, disease, and climate change. So what? You're saying. Who cares? You should, because CCD causes healthy hives to become lifeless—and then the adult bees run off and don't come home. Considering that 87 percent of the world's crops—including the fruits and veggies we eat—are pollinated by bees, that's a problem.

Watch this Nature episode to learn more about the bees' plight. And be sure to check out the Help the Honey Bees site.

Now, one last public service reminder. Not only are the honey bees dying, but the break dancing honey bees are croaking too. And that's a national disaster. Don't believe me? See for yourself:

(You MUST watch this video. Nothing you are doing is so important that you can't take a moment for the Bee-Boy Dance Crew. Trust me.)

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