
A Montana Wedding

(And no, it's not my Montana wedding, silly!)

If you feel like getting married, I recommend doing it in a place like this:

(Outside Bozeman, Montana)

Make sure you include flowers like this:

(Pretty, aren't they? That blue sky is a good idea too, but what do you expect in Big Sky country?)

And don't forget the importance of dessert:


With toppings:

(Yummier still.)

Also, be sure to have a lot of aunts and uncles there who all love taking fabulous photos on their cameras that are much superior to yours. Then you don't have to take any and can instead spend your time (1) applauding the happy couple (2) drinking wine (3) eating cheesecake.

Congrats Cousin J!

(And yes, I do have some pictures of the lovely bride and groom, but I've made it a policy to minimize people photos in case I—or anyone I know—ever has to enter the witness protection program. I'd hate for my blog to have to disappear with me!)

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