Sunny Sundays are made for planting flowers. So that's exactly what I did. I'm on a mission to see if there's any green in these thumbs of mine and decided a beautiful May day presented the perfect time to start. So here's what I did (with Butter supervising from our big front window, of course).
First I filled the big planter that runs along the front of our house with miscellaneous flowers and plants that drew my eye at the greenhouse (right).
As I just alluded to, I'm a gardening rookie. So I have no idea whether I planted the right plants or whether they're in the right soil or whether I can keep them alive (cross your fingers!). This spring, I'm just giving things a try. Then, if I have any knack for this at all, I'll actually try to plan out what I'm going to plant, maybe get to the point where I fill containers with hardy perennials and native plants as opposed to random flowers that I fancy.
But until then, bear with me and don't laugh at my amateur gardener's faux pas. Please and thank you.
In addition to digging into the soil in the planter, I also created this nifty little container. The dahlias were so darn pretty, I couldn't help buying them. Guess I'm a sucker for color:
(There's a great fern in there but somehow it doesn't really show up in this picture. So just take my word for it—it's there.)
I'm trying not to spend a fortune (gardening can be expensive!), so I took advantage of some pots left in the garage from the previous owner. Now that I look at the picture, they aren't exactly lovely. So don't look at them. Just focus on the pretty pink petunias:
Wait a second. You're looking at the pots, aren't you? I thought I told you not to! (Maybe I'll paint them soon. Then again, maybe not. That's character, people.)
I also had to plant this lovely lavender I bought from the farmer's market on Saturday. I'm a sucker for anything lavender and couldn't resist (plus, I had to replace the plant I had from the Des Moines farmer's market that didn't survive the move).
This guy will have some buddies after Wednesday's farmer's market, when I'm going to buy a tomato plant and some herbs to grow in containers out front. (If only I had a big, sunny backyard for growing all sorts of vegetables ... she says wistfully.)
good luck!
Puyallup flowers
I've been saying it (in jest) for YEARS, and now these people come out with it: