
New Blogs

I love discovering new blogs—especially ones that I end up coming back to over and over again. Such is the case with the first selection on this list, which my friend Cara (thanks!) clued me into last week.

It's called Stuff White People Like and it is devoted, as I'm sure you can guess, to stuff white people like. It's absolutely hilarious—and right on—so if you have a few minutes (or a whole hour) to waste, you have to check it out.

As you may know, there are two very white people living in my house in L-town. And in case you're wondering what that entails, I've decided to give you a glimpse of our life, via Stuff White People Like. It goes a little something like this:

Julie: #82 Hating Corporations, #81 Graduate School (more on that soon, really!), #76 Bottles of Water (specifically a Sigg bottle, of course), #65 Co-Ed Sports (specifically broomball), #64 Recycling, #53 Dogs, #44 Public Radio, #40 Apple Products, #24 Wine, #15 Yoga (that's lulu in the picture!), #5 Farmers Markets. I could go on. I sure to like a lot of these things.

Conservative Boy: #86 Shorts (I'm surprised they weren't on today, with his suit coat), #56 Lawyers (although he actually doesn't care for overanalyzing things) #69 Mos Def (OK, not really ... just seeing if you were still paying attention ... his friend T-Lew would though), #39 Netflix, #35 Colbert Report (Colbert singlehandedly got Conservative Boy through studying for the bar ... seriously, he loves the guy), #30 Wrigley Field (uh, hello, he still thinks the Cubbies might actually win a World Series this year), #4 Assists (and Adam Emmenecker, who's a bit old-school like Steve Nash).

Hmm. I actually love a lot more of these things than Conservative Boy. Interesting. I must be really white.


  1. The entry on sandwiches made me think of T-Lew, and South Union, the Manhattan Deli, Fat Chef, etc...

  2. You're so right! I almost listed that for Conservative Boy because he and T-Lew used to pound Manhattan Deli.
