
... A New Blog

First, an introduction.

I am a lover of life. But in the savoring-sweet-seconds-quietly, soaking-it-all-up-in-contemplative-awe sort of way rather than with the reckless abandon of an adventurer bent on taking big, long gulps from every moment. Which is exactly why it's time to dive head-on into some of the experiences I wonder about, read about, dream about.

And so here you have it. My motivation, the base camp from which I'll set out on a simple (in theory) yet decidedly complicated (in practice) mission: To explore the world and the myriad experiences—big and small—that are calling my name.

This doesn't mean I'll spend my days tackling the next big mountain and writing about it (well, perhaps figuratively; probably not literally, as bad backs and K2 generally don't mix). Rather, it's about jumping head-first into those activities, those ideas, those moments that before were only what-ifs and maybe-somedays.

Vague, I know. But explaining any more than this will limit what I can create here, what I can see and do, who I can be. So bear with me because I'll leave it at that—at least until I try my first experience, and my second, and my third, and maybe then you'll be hooked and willing to stick around for more.

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